Elevate Your Run

More than the grind

We love covering long distances needing nothing but our own two feet
and possibly the feet of friends

Trail Run the AT

Our Story

Bangor Area Distance is a running club in Bangor, Maine, founded by coach Trent Packard to provide local endurance athletes with expert training, nutritional guidance, local running routes, and community.

Our philosophy is health over speed, with the understanding that health allows consistency, which ultimately produces sustainable speed. We all want to run fast, but we don’t have to sacrifice our health and the joy of running to get there.

Running is a fundamental part of the human experience, so we strive to build healthy bodies that can keep running from town to town and up and down mountains year after year.

Expert Coaching

Benefit from valuable insights on training and nutrition. Once you learn the basics you can coach yourself to a lifelong joy of running

Community Support

Join a vibrant community of endurance athletes to support and uplift your running journey

Varied Terrains

Explore different terrains and challenges to enhance your running experience


Training Plan Example


Customized training plans for all levels tailored to your individual goals.

Mediterranean Diet

Nutritional Guidance

Expert nutritional advice for optimized performance, recovery and well-being.

Empty pathway running through green trees and bushes against high hills covered with forest

Loops and Trails

New to the area? Let us recommend our favorite runs. You might even find someone to show you around.

Why Join?

Personalized Guidance

Tailored training plans and nutrition advice to support your unique fitness goals.

Local Insights

Access to the best running routes and insider tips on Bangor’s running scene.


Connect with like-minded individuals and participate in group runs and events for a fulfilling running experience.

Studmill Long Run

Runner’s Feedback

Follow us on the socials

Ready to Run?

Join Bangor Area Distance today to kickstart your running journey and achieve your fitness goals with expert guidance and community support.